Breaking the Addiction Cycle: Strategies for Overcoming the Substance Abuse

Drug addiction is a burden that worsens the quality of life, destroys self-esteem, and ruins relationships with others. However, the good news is that it is possible to get rid of this addiction, and many have already succeeded. The key to success lies in two steps: thinking through the strategy and strictly adhering to it.

Why do you need a well-thought-out strategy?

Measures against drug addiction, awareness of one’s problem and motivation play a crucial role, providing the strength and perseverance to overcome addiction. However, often, mere desire alone is not enough. And that’s because drug addiction is a powerful disease that roots not only in a person’s body but also in his/her psychology. Without addressing the hidden underlying factors that make the dependent vulnerable, the treatment will only have a temporary effect, failing to eliminate the predisposition to substance abuse.

Furthermore, on the long road to freedom from addiction, individuals often face the threat of relapse. In such moments, there is a strong temptation to give up, lose hope, and cease the fight. Contrary to this, a well-thought-out strategy takes such situations into account. The dependent person will know that a relapse is not the end, and by continuing the struggle, they can endure even longer and ultimately triumph over their addiction.

Factors that influence the action plan

It is essential to remember that personalized plans, taking into account all the specific features of the dependent person, are more successful in drug rehabilitation. When developing a strategy independently, it is crucial to adhere to the same principle, ensuring that all actions of the addicted person and his close ones are as effective as possible. Here are the factors to consider when devising an action plan:

  1. Type of psychoactive substance causing addiction: there is a wide variety of drugs, and their effects on the human body may differ. When discontinuing substance intake, various symptoms may arise, so it is essential to be prepared for them. Here is when the help of a narcologist is required, as they will assess the addicted person’s condition and prescribe medications to help eliminate the drug from the body if needed.
  2. Psychological predispositions to addiction: typically, drug dependence has its roots in a person’s psychology, such as socialization issues, past traumas, negative influences, or mental illnesses. The effectiveness of treatment significantly increases if the focus is not only on the substances but also on addressing the deep-seated causes of addiction. This approach allows the dependent person to break free from addiction permanently rather than temporarily.

Certainly, before starting to develop an action plan, it is crucial to realize the problem and the necessity to combat it. Due to the influence of psychoactive substances or psychological issues, individuals with addiction find it challenging to objectively assess their own condition. In this situation, the support of loved ones is of vital importance. However, it is essential to remember that leading the addicted person to the right conclusion should be done gently, kindly, and at the appropriate time to avoid resistance and counterproductive effects.

How to help someone addicted?

As it has been already mentioned, the final development of an action plan to combat drug addiction is carried out individually, taking into account the object of addiction and the dependent person’s individual characteristics. However, in general, the strategy includes the following points, which will make the treatment more effective:

  1. Avoid situations where temptation overtakes: This could involve isolation, visiting certain establishments, or other factors. By identifying such high-risk zones and avoiding them, the addicted significantly reduces the risk of relapse.
  2. Seek replacement: substance abuse consumes a lot of resources and time, so it is essential to redirect the freed-up resources into something beneficial. This could be sports, hobbies, or any other activity that will always be available and distract the person if the urge for drugs arises again.
  3. Seek the support of family: appreciation and encouragement are the best motivation in the battle against addiction.
  4. Change the environment: by cutting ties with acquaintances who abuse drugs and replacing them with good friends, one can receive support, self-assurance, and the motivation to self-improvement.

There is always a way out

If the addiction feels too overpowering and your attempts are not producing results, what steps should be taken? There is always a way out. For instance, you can go to a rehabilitation center, such as IsraRehab. Comprehensive recovery will help you get rid of chemical addiction and psychological issues, as well as find your place in life, free from all dependencies.

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