Drug addiction treatment in Israel

Drug addiction is a chronic disease, which consists of a pathological addiction to drugs. In almost all cases, it is accompanied by mental disorders and changes in the work of organs and systems. The good news, however, is that these disorders are often reversible. And the sooner treatment is started, the more chances you have to save your personality and get back to a happy life.

There are plenty of drugs and the ways they are used. The effects of substances on the psyche and health are also different. But there is one thing in common about drug addictions, which is the attempts to quit addiction on their own aren’t successful, while without taking a habitual dose a person experiences excruciating withdrawal symptoms and/or manifestations of depression. That is why timely and qualified assistance of a psychiatrist-narcologist is of vital importance.

The specialists of the IsraRehab center have been successful in treating drug addiction in Israel. We have applied the most effective tools and proven approaches to therapy, have years of experience and possess the most advanced methods of getting rid of addiction.

Advantages of drug addiction treatment in Israel

Israel is renowned for one of the highest levels of medicine in the world. Medical tourism is developing here in almost all areas, and narcology and psychiatry are no exception.

The main advantage of treatment in Israel is an individual approach. Behind this seemingly common phrase are the main conditions for the successful treatment: effective therapy regimens are adapted to the peculiarities of each patient, the reasons for the disease are thoroughly analyzed, which allows them to be worked out and almost eliminate the risk of failure in the future.

Another advantage is the specifics of pricing, which is at the world average. In Israel, you will not see unreasonably high prices for treatment in a private clinic.

Israeli medicine is one of the priority areas, which is generously funded by the state. Moreover, government agencies thoroughly control the activity of medical clinics, including private ones.

High level of training of doctors and nursing staff, as well as instructors and consultants. If we are talking about a private rehabilitation center for addicts, then it is important to note the developed interdisciplinary field: addiction consultants undergo professional training here, improve their skills and regularly update their knowledge about the types and characteristics of addictions.

Diagnosing drug addiction at the IsraRehab clinic

The development of a treatment program is always preceded by a comprehensive diagnosis, because it is important to correctly assess the patient’s health and psyche. The examination can be initiated by the addict himself, but more often we are dealing with seeking help from relatives. As a rule, close people who live with a person and already know about his pathological cravings reach out for help from a narcologist.

Diagnostics may include the use of the following tools:

  • talking with the patient: it will help to understand how he himself assesses his disease and his current condition, how is he motivated in the treatment, what he expects from the therapy course and how he sees it, find out whether the previous treatment experience was unsuccessful: an attempt to quit drugs or treatment in another institution;
  • talking with relatives, if possible: it is necessary to obtain objective details about the disease, for example, to clarify when the symptoms of drug addiction appeared;
  • examination in order to identify signs of drug intoxication, the development of withdrawal symptoms, etc.;
  • development of a comprehensive diagnostic program based on the information obtained.

Based on the results of the conversation, diagnostics and questioning, the narcologist can send for laboratory and instrumental examinations: chemical and toxicological analysis, clinical blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, heart, blood vessels, ECG, encephalography, etc. This will help to assess the health condition and set the correct treatment and rehabilitation program.

It is important to pay attention not only to the somatic, but also to the mental health of a patient. A psychological portrait of the patient will help in the selection of effective therapy tools. It is important to exclude or confirm the presence of depression, timely identify neuroses, paranoid and suicidal tendencies and other complications. For this, a psychiatrist-narcologist can also use a wide range of tools like projective and other diagnostic methods, questioning and testing.

Drug addiction treatment methods in Israel

The first stage of drug addiction treatment in Israel is always detoxification. Even in the case when the patient asks for help when he is out of abstinence syndrome, it is important to help remove the decay products and toxins, and enter the rehabilitation stage in good health. If a patient has withdrawals, other medications can also be applied to detoxification activities such as sedatives, antidepressants, etc.

The second and longest stage is psychosocial rehabilitation. The tools for working with an addict are determined individually. As a basis, we use the “12 steps” program that has proven itself over the world.

The psychotherapeutic methods used at IsraRehab are as follows:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • art therapy;
  • psychodrama;
  • transactional analysis;
  • gestalt therapy;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • individual and group psychoconsulting.

The third stage is adaptation. The specialists from the center continue to provide professional support even when a person leaves the therapeutic environment and returns to his normal life. We implement breakdown prevention programs, provide the opportunity to visit groups and seek help at any time.

Conditions of hospital stay in our clinic

You can be sure that we provide the most comfortable home-like stay conditions at IsraRehab. The rehabilitation center is located near Tel Aviv, just a 30-minute drive away. The sea is a 10-minute drive away.

Picturesque landscapes, orchards around the buildings, and a favorable climate make it possible to get the feeling of staying in a sanatorium or on vacation – you won’t have a feeling of being at a state medical institution. The absence of fuss and noise around will allow you to immerse yourself in your experiences and get to know yourself better.

Much attention is paid to creating a home environment. Single and double rooms with private facilities allow you to stay in comfort. There is also air conditioning, cable TV with Russian channels.

A balanced diet is essential for a faster recovery. The daily menu includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

The center has a gym, an equipped room for table tennis and billiards. There are classes with a fitness instructor, sports ground for playing volleyball and football, pool and spa treatments, excursions around Israel, and trips to the sea during a season.

The clinic can host up to 12 people at the same time, which allows you to take proper care of everyone, monitor the fulfillment of the doctors’ requirements and eliminate unpleasant situations.

Individual drug addiction treatment program in the clinic IsraRehab

An individual approach allows you to develop a treatment program taking into account the needs and condition of a patient. It includes:

  • complex diagnostics: assessment of the condition of physical health, psychiatric, neurological examination;
  • relief of withdrawal symptoms without substitution therapy;
  • psychosocial rehabilitation: an average of 3 to 12 months;
  • work with the addict’s family;
  • psychological support at the adaptation stage.

Experienced psychiatrists-narcologists, psychotherapists, and psychologists are engaged in the development of an individual drug addiction treatment program.

Prices for drug addiction treatment in Israel

The cost of treatment and rehabilitation can include several parameters. But the most important condition is the rehabilitation period. The more severe the patient’s condition, the longer it will take to recover. The table below includes the prices for drug addiction treatment in Israel.

  • Price table
  • Diagnostics

    500 $

  • Treatment and therapy

    from 7000 $

The article was verified by a practical psychologist

Psychology teacher,
art therapist

Reviews on drug addiction treatment in Israel

Thank you!

It’s pretty much a long story about how I became a cocaine addict. After about a week of regular snorting of the drug, I got scared – it was impossible to stop and I needed a lot of money to buy drugs.
I almost had to knee my mom to help me, to pull me out of this hell. She found the money and took me to Israel for treatment. The clinic quickly freed me from addiction, and then I went through the 12 steps program and a bunch of other techniques.

I am very grateful for the treatment. I’m planning to call the doctor shortly and ask for rehabilitation again. Hopefully, I can forget drugs forever in the future.

My review

My treatment course lasted for 2 months. I realized that every employee in the clinic is a true professional. And not only as a doctor but also as a person. Here, everyone takes care of you and wishes to help solve the problem.

The staff was so concerned about the patient’s fate that I felt as if I were at home with my family. Please accept my gratitude.

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